
to install the package on fedora:

sudo dnf install mutt

configure mutt :
you have to create a few directories where the system will store mails, headers, and certificates post-installation.

mkdir -p ~/.mutt/cache/headers

mkdir ~/.mutt/cache/bodies

touch ~/.mutt/certificates

create the mutt configuration file using the touch command and edit it:

touch ~/.mutt/muttrc

sudo nano ~/.mutt/muttrc

start filling in your mailbox's IMAP and SMTP details to populate the mailbox's settings for incoming and outgoing mails.
here are the settings:

set from = ""

set realname = "First Last"

# IMAP settings

set imap_user = ""

set imap_pass = "<mailbox password>"

# SMTP settings

set smtp_url = "smtps://"

set smtp_pass = "<mailbox password>"

# Remote Gmail folders

set folder = "imaps://"

set spoolfile = "+INBOX"

set postponed = "+[Gmail]/Drafts"

set record = "+[Gmail]/Sent Mail"

set trash = "+[Gmail]/Trash"

start sending emails

echo "Body of the email" | mutt -s 'Subject',

echo "Body Message" | mutt -s "subject" -a /path/to/file/test.txt